Secrets of the Sun

Secrets of the Sun was a project with a challenge to use guerrilla marketing in New York City. The event Secrets of the Sun was set to take place at the Hayden Planetarium over the span of a week. The challenge was to advertise to the people of New York City and also to tourists. What do tourists enjoying the sights and New Yorkers running to work have in common? Everyone wants their coffee buzz! 

I proposed an idea of heat sensitive coffee sleeves that would reveal the information of the event once it was heated by the coffee. I researched how many coffee shops were around the Hayden Planetarium and I found a good number (not all Starbucks) represented by the red dots on the map. A box of the coffee sleeves could be dropped off at each coffee shop and could be used in the week leading up to and the week of the event. As an added bonus a QR code could be added to the back of the sleeve and if people bring it to the event they could get a discount. This would also bring business to the coffee shops if they advertise it. 

Final Poster MockUp 1.jpg
Small cupSun2.jpg
Small cupSun3.jpg