
This special set of key-chains allow kids with allergies to be easily identified while living their everyday lives. The key-chain is able to be displayed on a backpack, lunch box, or zipper. Any child with an allergy is able to have it on their person for identification while also being discrete enough that the child does not feel like they are different from everyone else. The key-chain is made of a latex free rubber with a metal chain and key ring. The front displays the allergy while the back of the key-chain has an area where a parent can write down the child’s name and their emergency contact number. Not only is the key-chain a form of identification, but children are able to learn more about their allergy and identify the potential risks in everyday life.

Researching what is used today for identifying allergies for children astounded me. I came across a number of products where the child would be forced to wear anything from a large bracelet to even a t-shirt that (unfortunately) read "I'm allergic to peanuts." When it comes to children's allergies, there is the absolute need for a parent to feel comfortable that their child is safe and a child should not feel as though they are being labeled. That's where I thought of MediBuddies, little characters to describe the different types of allergies, designed for children but with parent's safety in mind. Here is my process book .

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